All about

Why MAYbe
Less Sugar?

In Switzerland, one person in two consumes too much added sugar.

No wonder! Added sugars are everywhere, and sometimes in large quantities.

Am I consuming too much? The products don’t indicate how much added sugar they contain.
So how do I know how much I’m consuming per day, and if it’s too much?

MAYbe Less Sugar is offered by
partner healthcare organisations to provide

information on added sugars

a calculator to find out how much you consume per day

explanations on the benefits of reducing added sugars

tips and tricks for
enjoying treats
while eating
with less sugar

Immediate benefits of cutting back on sugar

  • My energy level remains stable all day long.
  • It’s great for my mood: I feel much more positive and less irritable.
  • It’s great for my mind: my concentration is at its best, no more mental slumps.
  • I no longer feel constantly hungry.
  • I have less insomnia.
  • I’ve rediscovered the taste and pleasure of eating quality products.

Sugar is enjoyable, but in large quantities it can become addictive. By reducing my consumption, I remain free and happy.

Medium- to long-term benefits

  • It’s more effective than any diet!!! It’s a proven fact that diets don’t help you control your weight. But eating less sugar does!
  • A radiant smile: I preserve my teeth and avoid the dreaded dentist chair 🙂
  • It’s better than all the pseudo detox cures: my liver thanks me!
  • I lower my risk of type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses.

… and it’s also important to remember that slipping up is normal.

In May, do
as you please?

In principle, we decide every day what we eat and drink. However, our environment influences our choices (more or less expensive and accessible products, advertising, etc.). And the sweeter we eat, the more sugar we crave. MAYbe Less Sugar is mobilising a wide network of partners to promote an environment that helps us make healthier choices.

On May 2, 2023, a call to action under the aegis of the Food and Health Alliance was launched, with the support of 50 health organisations

A call to action for a clear reduction in sugar in our diet

Added sugars:
What are they?

These are all the isolated sugars used in ready-to-eat products (sweet drinks, sweets, pastries, cookies, etc.) or the sugar we add to what we eat and cook.

Unlike naturally occurring sugars in foods such as fruit or milk, added sugars are not essential to our diet.

The list of ingredients indicates whether there are any, but you need to know all their little names(see list). Labels do not specify the amount of sugar. The words “including sugars” refers to all sugars, but doesn’t necessarily reflect the quantity of added sugars.

Non-sugar sweeteners: an alternative?

According to the WHO, non-sugar sweeteners should not be used as a means of weight control or to reduce the risk of chronic disease.

See WHO recommendations
More info in French: please refer to the UN press release

What is a non-sugar sweetener?

These are non-nutritive sweeteners (containing no or virtually no calories), whether synthetic or natural. According to the WHO, the most common are acesulfame K, aspartame, advantame, cyclamates, neotame, saccharin, sucralose, stevia and stevia derivatives.

Natural sweet tooth

We all crave sweetness. That’s why pediatricians recommend avoiding added sugars up to the age of 3, and limiting them thereafter. Non-sugar sweeteners encourage our taste for sweetness. If we’re going to make an effort, we might as well make it worthwhile.

I find good ideas for Recipes, tips and tricks


Added sugar


Added sugar

Why are there so many added sugars everywhere?

Adding sugar to a food product can improve: shelf life, color, taste, texture, volume… These sugars have many advantages and are present in many products today, without us even realising it. It’s not easy to stop consuming them…

By changing certain habits, I can reduce my consumption and still enjoy my food at the same time. You don’t have to aim for zero added sugar to stay in shape.

First of all, I need to know how much added sugar I’m consuming, which products contain it and in what quantities. But it’s not easy to find out by reading labels.

By taking part in MAYbe Less Sugar, I find answers to my questions.

How to reduce my consumption

The most important thing if I want to succeed in reducing my consumption is to set practical, REALISTIC goals I can stick to. And if I feel I can do it easily, I can then modify my goal little by little. Rome wasn’t built in a day!

Examples of practical objectives

Objective 1

Instead of having a soda at lunch, I’m having a bottle of water 3x this week, on Monday, Tuesday
and Thursday.

Objective 2

For my snack tomorrow, I’ll have an apple and some almonds.

Objective 3

Next time I go shopping, I’ll buy plain yoghurt instead of fruit yoghurt and I’ll add a chopped apple.

If I find that I can easily achieve my goals,
I can adapt them to reduce my consumption
a little more, if I feel like it.

Here are a few tips for reducing my intake of added sugars:

Replace soft drinks (cola, cold tea, fanta, etc.) with still or sparkling water. For added flavour, I can simply add a slice of lemon, a mint leaf or chopped fresh fruit.

Replace my jam or spread with some cheese, cottage cheese or a slice of ham for a savoury, protein-packed breakfast to get the day off to a great start!

Compare different brands of my favourite product and choose the one with the least added sugar.

Choose proper good, complete, balanced meals that fill my stomach so I don’t get cravings between meals.

Cook for myself as much as possible. Home-cooked meals bring real personal satisfaction, and make you more aware of what you’re eating, rather than eating ready-made meals. When I cook for myself, I measure the amount of sugar I add.

Going for a walk, even just for 10 to 15 minutes, after eating helps with digestion and reduces the urge to keep eating.

If you have cravings, enjoy your favorite fruit or a few nuts, almonds or mixed nuts instead. And if you’re in the mood for a sweet treat, choose quality, and a little goes a long way!